HeatheR Olt
Actress, Singer, Producer, Writer ...Lawrence Welk Fan

I grew up in Ohio. Dayton, to be exact. Oakwood, to be even more exact. I then traveled to the booming metropolis of Bloomington/Normal, Illinois, the other twin cities, for college. I got a BFA in Music Theatre from Illinois Wesleyan University and loved every minute of it. Going to college in a big city is for the birds. I say, go amongst corn fields and you will truly have the college experience. As that is all there is to have.
After college, I did summer stock at the Lincoln Ampitheatre in Lincoln City, Indiana, my first professional job. There, I performed in Big River and Young Abe Lincoln. In the latter, I had to enter on a horse in one scene. One night, the horse got spooked as I was mounting her and dragged me twenty feet because my left foot was still in the stirrup. My wrist has never been the same...but, I’m quite certain it was pure entertainment for the few that witnessed it. Well, I was born to entertain.
I then moved to Chicago and lived with three friends in the best and cheapest apartment ever. Of course, my bedroom had no heat, but that’s what space heaters and roommates who are willing to warm up your bed when you’re on your way home are for. After six months, four jobs and a church basement musical, I moved to New York on a whim to live with a dear friend from my Young Abe Lincoln summer.
I then did some musical theatre stuff (see resume), theatre stuff (see resume) and held a butt load of crazy jobs, including flight attendant, singing waitress and flier hander outer while wearing a giant pair of scissors on my head.
For more details, you’re just going to have to scroll through the rest of these pages. I don’t want to shoot my wad on the second page. Don’t worry, I promise to entertain. To sum up, I lived in NYC for nine glorious years before moving to LA in 2006. And here I am, missing autumn, but loving this crazy city where people need to learn how to drive.
Manager: Luber Roklin- Katie Mason
Phone: 310.289.1088
Theatrical Agent: AMT Artists, Inc.
Phone: 818.582.2490
Commercial Agent: Special Artists Agency- Tanner Pittman
Phone: 310. 859.9688